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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back in Puerto Vallarta

We arrived back in PV at 1Am last night and dropped anchor under a full moon. In the morning we moved into the marina for more luxurious living.

We have only had access to internet ounce in the last two weeks as we travelled down to Manzinillo and back to PV. After we left Manzinillo we motor sailed up to Tenacatita and spent 4 nights there. The first day we arrived there a dinghy raftup was organized which we were invited to. One dinghy put down a anchor and all the other dinghies tied to it in a big circle and passed food around. There was about 20 dinghies in circle.

We did about a 12 km walk to a small town down the road/beach for a look around and to see some 12 ft crocodiles. Most of the walk was pleasant except for a section on the main highway which had no shoulders. The crocodiles were pretty impressive especially considering that they are in the wild not a zoo, there are several warning signs around about croc's and not to swim. Then we took a taxi back as our out of shape sailing legs were not up to the walk back and we had some shopping to carry. The next day we did a dingy ride through mangrove swamps for about 3 miles to a small town and tourist resort which is accessible from the other direction by car.

From Tenacatita we then went up to Chamela and spent 2 nights there. These last two places were a bit of a challenge when one wanted to get ashore in the dinghy due to the surf. We would go to the far corner of the beach were surf is smallest and then try to time the surf when a small set of waves was coming and then scoot in quickly on the back of the last wave and hope to get ashore before the next one came. We put our gear in a dry bag in case we miss-timed things and a wave dumped us.
We left Feb 27 about 8am for PV figuring it would be an overnighter to do the 95 miles so did not leave real early. But once out there, even thou we were bucking into the prevailing nw swell we were making good speed because there was a 1 to 2 knot current pushing us so we got there about 1am dropped anchor outside the marina at La Cruz and went to bed. Dorothy had been sleeping until I got her up a couple of miles out.
We will probably be here for the next 3 weeks or so getting boat ready for the next leg. The marina rates are pretty good here and there are alot of conviences to staying in the marina compared to anchoring out. Like free internet and showers, shore power although we don't really need that as long as it is not to cloudy for the solar panels. Also it is a lot easier to get work done on the boat and go for walks on shore and provisioning.

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